Asma Allah

Monday, December 13, 2010

Niqab sunnah

"If covering the face is obligatory, I fear He may ask me why I didn't do it. If covering the face is "only" highly recommended & something for which extra rewards are given, I fear he will ask me why I didn't do something that I knew to be a highly recommended Sunnah (Sunnah is that which the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did, which he enjoined, and which was not forbidden by him when done in his presence) knowing what fitnah (trial) I was perhaps causing others. I know of saheeh ahadith that support this and after seeing them, and after knowing them and understanding them I couldn't truthfully plead ignorance to Allah on the day when our hands, our eyes, and our limbs and even our Qur'an will speak for us, even if we do not wish to tell the truth. So after considering all these (many) reasons, I understood that I had more reason to wear it than not to. And the reasons for not wearing niqab suddenly seemed so insignificant compared to the real reason why I should which is to gain the pleasure of Allah insha'Allah (Allah willing) and to insha'Allah lose the displeasure of Him."- Aliyah bint Les Yaqub

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