Asma Allah

Friday, May 6, 2011

Niqabi women:The precious hidden beauty

all of them in black/plain to colourful and sexy women, what's the beauty of them? can't see not only their body,hair but also their face..just 2 eyes what's the beauty about these people?.....the beauty of them... is ISLAM that they hold..we can remember Allah when looking at these's the beauty that not all people can see through one's the value that cannot be measured by people judgement..but only Allah knows them..only Allah can judge them..only Allah is looking at them..inshaAllah.
The covering, or hijab is the surface layer of modesty that everyone sees and that is very obvious to all.

Going deeper, the next layer may consist of what is commonly known as self-consciousness or shyness. At this level the woman not only wears hijab, but also acts in a way that is reserved and respectful.
The center of this innermost... level is the heart, alongside Emaan.
A true believing woman does not engage-in these behaviors for other people; rather, she does it for the sake of Allah. She does not do so out of shyness from other people; she does it out of shyness from Allah.
She is humble in the presence of Allah because she knows that everything she has, her wealth, her status, her abilities, are only from Him.
This understanding highlights the interconnection between modesty and Emaan.
The Prophet (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam) said, "Indeed, modesty and Emaan are companions. When one of them is lifted, the other leaves as well."


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