Asma Allah

Monday, March 7, 2011

The world is the Prototype of Paradise..

As salamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh..

The obey people who always make step to the mosque will be brighter than the sun. the people who have Imaan in heart will always showing the patience. they travel around the understand the syumul (perfectness) of Islam. which area is covered by Islam? what is the context or circumstances to know that Islam is syumul? places with -5 or -20 deg.of celsius, so cold water to perform wudhu'.. some places, need to cross the river to reach the mosque, during winter, Zuhur is by 11am, 2pm will be Asar, 3.30pm Maghrib..there's some places with one night only..Maghrib 10.30pm, then Isya', and then the Subuh will be at how to pray(solah) with these various time and situation?  We will not fully understand Islam or religion without widen the context to the whole world..we cant see how Allah(God) manage the system if dont open our eyes to the whole universe.

Bayan is about a story-telling, narrative and explaination, telling the truth to the people. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) also give storytelling and explain about Islam to sahabah and to Muslim people. when someone is sick, he has 3 relatives. the 1st will offer him to take care of him during sick. the other one offer him to care about his medicine, to bring him to the specialist and arrange his funeral as he die.but the 3rd relative offer same as others, + will also accompany him in the grave. the Sahabah choose the 3rd relative who will accompany them until death. Prophet answered, 1st is our properties, 2nd is our families and 3rd is our Imaan & the good deeds that has been done. actually the properties we gathered is for other people. the system will start the process to distribute our properties to other relatives as we die. our families, will help us as much as they can, but the last they can do is prayer but the 3rd can help, protect and accompany us when we're alone facing the angel. Our good deeds such as Qur'an's reading, Zikr, zakah, solah, Tahajjud and etc will be our best friends when we crossed the death line..the imagination of houri/ beautiful young woman of Muslim paradise will appeared.

Narrative or story-telling by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is to explain the abstract things to make the things easy to be understand . passengers from lower compartment of an ark want to crash the ark to get some water, but the people from upper level must give some water to lower level so the ark will not be founder or crashed. actually this story is to tell people who get guidance from Allah should perform da'wah and save the people in lost.
Doctor ,will cure all people in help without differentiate either they are friends or enemy. Abu Hurairah cultivate a plant, but Prophet said,  a plant will be grew for you in Jannah when you zikr, Subhanallah.

The world is the Prototype of Paradise..
delicious foods, fruits, trees, houses, beautiful women, water, the rain, the river, milk, animals, flowers, honey, and etc..are the prototype of Jannah..the sample to describe paradise..we cant get the picture of beauty woman in paradise without seeing the woman in the world. we dont know what's the meaning of food in paradise if we do not know food on earth..the world is the prototype of paradise. but many of us prefer sample/prototype than the real things. we prefer the temporary dunya than the long lasting akhirah. the brilliant men is the people who is not being confused by this prototype, but he/she knows the real things is waiting in akhirah..

economic principle, human's demands unlimited but the sources are limited. the nafs demand will never be ending, will never enough. cannot delete the nafs, but just let one leg kick the nafs down, and the other side will make a step to Jannah..

Imaan is when we confident the ghaaib..
could we let our business loss as we close our shop just to pray in times of Azaan? or we confident that Allah will give more barakah to us because we pray in time? yes, it is's about our confident level to Allah..our confident to Ar-Razzak..

a man want to learn about Imaan from a Syeikh...he follow the Syeikh to the sea and threw away from the boat.he ask help but the Syeikh ignored him, until he ask help from Allah then the Syeikh help him, because at the last the confident is 100% to Allah.

postman come to give us money-order, the company give us salary, the boss give us reward, the medicine cure us, the mother heal us from sick, the friends give us love, the trees give us it true???
money, reward, cure, heal, love, foods, and ALL of these luxury and enjoyable are from Allah SWT..only from HIM. not from postman, company, boss, medicine, mother, friends or trees.

dont ever die without a perfect imaan in you.. Maa Rabbukaa? who's your God? dont think,feel,look,see, talk,speak, if not because of Allah../start the day in the morning, say Alhamdulillah, get some meals, Alhamdulillah, settle our job, Alhamdulillah, all..all..and all is about to remember Allah..

nowadays there's lot of test outside there.. we did lot of zikr,solah/prayer,good deeds,help people,zakah,Hajj...but the internet, cinema, sexy women, the unsensored TV channel and other things sometimes still interrupt us. inside/outside of house both full with entertainment which cannot be prevent .

what's the meaning of Islam the way of life? it is when all the Prophet's followers can perform sunnah..try to follow Prophet(pbuh) way of life.
why not all people can practic Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sunnah? because daawah is not moving as it should be.

let us practic sunnah and leave the other lifestyle..because the true source is only Qur'an and Hadith. Prophet Muhammah (pbuh) is the role model. and we want the origin, not the prototype/sample only...InshaAllah..

Bayan 24.01.2011 (Tell The Truth)